About Tales Around the Jewel Fire

Tales around the jewel fire, is a place that wraps not just creatives but all people who have a story to tell, with loving arms built with inclusion and curiosity; in the same way stones hold the flames of a roaring fire. For as long as I can remember, I have always loved a good story, I often reminisce over long-lost conversations over nothing in particular, in a land before any kind of instantly gratifying pass time was available, when the other side of boredom brought adventure.

Storytelling is a powerful force and I want to see it live on, real, raw, felt and experienced stories, from the gritty to the whimsical, to the profound and to the tales that have no real point at all, or maybe the point is still waiting to be found at a later date, like red hot coals forming into precious jewels.

I will be displaying my artwork here as well as my own stories, but I will also be inviting other artists and creatives for interviews and to share their art and endeavours with the world, no matter what they might be.

Take your place in the circle, feel the warmth on your face, surrender to the fragrant smoke that clings to your clothes and open your mind to what is to come, because here, you will be presented with visual splendour and thought-provoking conversations.

Let us explore together.

If you have a particular story, you would like me to cover, you are welcome to speak to me regarding sponsored posts and content (I will only cover topics, products, or services that I align with and believe in).

Jessica Vagg http://www.talesaroundthejewelfire.com

Professional artist and jeweller.

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